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Burst Pipes Do’s And Dont’s

Living in the beautiful but sometimes extremely cold communities of Brooklyn Park and Rochester, there is more than a slight possibility that you could be facing a frozen or burst water line at your home or commercial property. So it is vital that you know the do’s and don’ts of dealing with a burst pipe to minimize the damage to your property and keep the repair process as simple and affordable as possible. The first and most important is to turn off the water supply as soon as you discover the issue. This step is essential in keeping the water damage as limited as possible and the work area dry and clean for the plumber repairing the damage to the pipes.

More Do’s After Discovering A Burst Water Pipe

Once the water is off, it is time to gather your cleaning supplies to remove as much water as possible. A mop and bucket are ideal for removing the floodwater quickly. You can also use old towels or rags, but remember the water could be pretty nasty, so avoid using towels that you don’t want to see stained or ruined. And be careful lifting large wet towels as they can be heavy. Removing as much of the water as possible will help limit the water damage and shorten the time it will take for the space to dry.

Next, open the windows to increase the airflow to dry out the moisture. Finally, use fans or dehumidifiers to air in the drying process. Now it is time to call 612-340-1444 to request an appointment with the experts at Paul Bunyan Plumbing And Drains. Be sure to ask about any additional tips they have for preparing the area for the licensed plumber who will be arriving to repair the burst pipe and check for any other leaks or frozen pipes around your home.

What You Never Want To Do After A Frozen Pipe Bursts

The critical thing to remember is that most insurance policies will help cover the cost of damage from a frozen or burst water line. So you want to contact your insurance agent if you are unsure about your coverage or the requirements of your water damage coverage. But as a general rule, never remove any rugs or carpets from the flooded area before the leak is documented for insurance purposes. This could impact the money you receive to cover the damages.

It is also essential to know that you never want to apply heat to the affected areas as it can cause more damage. Instead, only use added air circulation to dry the area. Finally, do not apply any cleaning products, detergent, or bleach to the site as it can contaminate the water lines that have been damaged.

Once the water is off and you have removed as much of the floodwater as possible, it can be tempting to dig deeper into the issue. But remember that only a licensed plumber should be working on the water lines in your home. Leave this work to the experts at Paul Bunyan Plumbing And Drains.

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